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A member registered Oct 15, 2018

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(2 edits)

Wonderful update. I like all the extra stuff you've put in, it's making it even greater than it was before, and I'm glad you added the option to disable vignette, thank you very much for that! I really appreciate your fast response times as well, and thank you so much for allowing and also encouraging feedback and suggestions.

There is one other thing that I've wanted to disable, and that is the "3D bitmap shadow" that occurs underneath the shape (I've pictured it happening on a Jiggle Double shape so you can see it clearly). Putting the "Z Display" slider in the Physics tab all the way to the right on the picture of your choice makes this 3D shadow easier to see.

I thought the "shadows checkbox" (or rather, what is now the Shadows tab) being added back would give the option to disable it--I should have specified earlier exactly what it was. I'm happy to see the new Shadows tab with the extra features, and I'm hoping you can add this option. Again, thank you very much!

Thank you for the fast reply!
I just thought of some more ideas; saving and loading project files, so if you put shapes on a picture, you could save it, and come back to it later.
Copying & pasting shapes would also be useful, as well as a flip shape horizontal/vertical feature.
Saving and loading custom shape presets could also be useful if I wanted to put a shape I made onto a different picture.
Being able to delete shapes individually is probably in the works already, as well as an undo/redo button, but I thought I'd write it down anyways.
Again, thank you so much for this wonderful program (my friend thanks you as well).

(4 edits)

Hey there, a friend just gifted this program to me and I'm loving it; Only thing is the Shadows checkbox is missing in the Effects tab, and there's this "gradient circle" that I'd like to disable. I'm using version 2.3--I'm having a wonderful time with the program.

No "Shadows" checkbox

"Gradient" shadow circle surrounding picture. If the picture fills the screen I think this circle adds a dark shadow around the picture (sorry, trying my best to explain it)